What's new in 0.13.0

Announcing Meilisearch v0.13.0

Meilisearch v0.13.0 introduces a bunch of new features and changes. Bugs have
been fixed and some behavior have changed for more consistency, here what's new in meilisearch:

We've been asked for a placeholder search feature a lot, and it's landed in
v0.13.0. It allows you to perform a search without specifying query strings,
and get "placeholder" search results. The results are sorted according to the
ranking rules you specified, and it supports faceting and filtering.

Post Route search

A new route has been added to allow you to perform search with a POST route instead of GET. This will improve performance for searches that require token
authentication, by allowing preflight request caching.

This is now the recommended way to perform searches with Meilisearch.

New settings behavior

We have made a couple of changes to the way settings work in order to make them easier to use and intuitive. searchableAttributes and displayedAttributes now default to all attributes (* ). This means that unless you specify otherwise, all attributes will be searchable by default. This removes the need for the acceptNewField, that no longer exists.

Sys-info route removal

We decided not to support the sys-info route anymore, and remove it. This was motivated by the fact that there already are better tools to do this job, and it was not worth the time maintaining this part of the code.

Check that Meilisearch is launched with the correct database version

We added a check to ensure that Meilisearch is launched with a database that's compatible with the engine version. Meilisearch will refuse to start unless versions match.

Bug fixes

  • facetDistribution returning the values in lowercase, instead of the correct case.
  • Bug that caused Meilisearch to add documents with the same document id twice, if they were added in the same batch.

Special thanks

We'd like to give a special thank to our external contributors on this release.
Their involvement means a lot to us!

  • @balajisivaraman for his help on making our tests faster and cleaner
  • @Rio for his work on authentication and analytics
  • @aeriksson for finding and fixing typos in our code

If you feel like contributing, and don't know where to start, ping us on slack.